5 Stretches to start your day

Here are 5 stretches to start your day:

Spinal twist

The first stretch can be done in the comfort of your bed while you’re still waking up. Lie on your back and stretch your arms out in a ‘T’ position. Lift your right knee up to a 90/90 position (hip and knee are bent to 90 degrees) and then slowly twist it across your body as far as you can. You can pop a pillow under your right knee to add support or use your left hand to pull that knee down towards the bed if you want to deepen the stretch. Turn your head to look at your right hand and feel the stretch across your right shoulder, outer hip, and back. Take some deep, relaxing breaths into the bottom of your right lung. Hold for 30-60 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

Rag doll

Once you’re out of bed, stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward. Hinge at your hips and bend forwards like you’re going to touch your toes. Bend your knees as much as you need to and let your neck and shoulders soften down. Cross your arms and hold onto your opposite elbows. Inhale to reach your forearms closer to the floor and pull your chest closer to your thighs, then exhale to hold the stretch. Hold the stretch for 60 seconds, adding some gently swaying movements from side to side if you want.

Pec stretch

Stand in a doorway and place your hands on the door frame with your elbows at shoulder height. Slowly lean your chest forwards until you feel a stretch across your chest and shoulders (you can take a step forwards if that feels more comfortable). Hold for 30-60 seconds. Play around with different hand heights – slide your hands up or down the door frame to find the stretch that feels best for you

Hip flexor stretch

Half kneel on the floor with your right foot in front, left knee on the floor (place a towel under your left knee if you need some extra padding). Tuck your tailbone and draw in your lower abs, then very slowly lunge your hips forwards until you feel a stretch in the front of your left hip and thigh. Try to maintain the tuck of the tailbone while you’re stretching – don’t arch your lower back here or you will lose the stretch. If you want to add more to the stretch, reach your left arm overhead, and perhaps reach it over to the right side to deepen the stretch into the left side body. Hold for 30-60 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

Tabletop stretch

Use your kitchen counter for this one! Place your hands on the counter and send your hips back to drop your chest down until your back is flat (bend your knees as much as you need to here). Hold for 30 seconds in this position. Then walk your hands along the counter to the right side, going as far as you can. Stack your left hand on top of your right and push your left hip back to open up the left side body (imagine a ‘C’ curve in your spine). You may feel a big stretch from your left shoulder, down your side body and to the lower back/hip. Take some deep breaths and hold for 30-60 seconds, then walk the hands over to the left and repeat.

Author: Paula Tully, Physiotherapist

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