Can Acupuncture help lessen your Fibromyalgia symptoms?

Can Acupuncture help lessen your Fibromyalgia symptoms? Yes!

Often confused for arthritis because it causes pain and tenderness in muscles and joints - Fibromyalgia is actually a pain disorder that research suggests impacts the way the brain and spinal cord processes painful and non-painful signals.

Along with widespread pain, the main fibromyalgia symptoms include:

  • fatigue

  • poor sleep

  • decreased ability to focus on mental tasks

Along with the primary symptoms, fibromyalgia often co-exists with other conditions such as anxiety, IBS, migraines and other types of headaches.

The pain can be hard to diagnose, treat and is often chronic in nature (and negatively affects your experience of life from one day to the next), but regular acupuncture may be very helpful for this challenging condition.

A 2017 study showed that acupuncture can significantly reduce pain intensity, fatigue and depression in fibromyalgia patients.

How many treatments are needed?

Because acupuncture has a cumulative effect, consistent weekly treatment for the first 2-3 months is recommended. After which, treatments can be tapered to once monthly to lower the frequency of flare ups.

If you are struggling to manage your fibromyalgia symptoms, try acupuncture and it may allow you to get back to doing the everyday things that bring more joy into your life.

Click here to book an appointment with us!


Author: Kandiss Fernando