Good Posture VS. Bad Posture

When it comes to posture our Chiropractor Dr. Nicole’s favourite saying is “The next posture is the best posture”

It is well known what we all consider as poor or bad posture, however it’s not quite that simple! That slumped, slouched, lazy position we all associate as bad, can be very comfortable - until it’s not.

And at some point or other we’ve all been corrected or told ourselves - fix your posture, sit up tall, shoulders back! But that “good” posture can wreak just as much havoc.

Why? Because our bodies LOVE movement, they are not meant to be fixed and rigid - so any one posture can become painful if you stay in it for too long.

When it comes to posture there is no specific good or bad position.

If it feels good for you to sit up perfectly straight… awesome, go for it! But, sitting up straight stiff as a board for hours and hours can also become painful.

If it feels good to slouch forward in your seat, great - do it! But you probably shouldn’t sit hunched in the same position all day long.

The key is - sit however you want, but change your position frequently. The best way to do this? Find a bunch of different postures that feel good and then mix them up during the day!

Let’s move away from rigid perfection and focus more on our bodies desire to move and its incredible capacity to be adaptable within our lifestyles!

Author: Dr. Nicole Fowlie, Chiropractor

To book an appointment with Dr. Nicole Fowlie click here!