Build a Strong Immune System Naturally

By: Kristina Maxwell, Physiotherapist at Align

A virus is a biological agent that gets into the cells of a host and then multiplies. Some people are more susceptible to viruses than others. Typically, very young people, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems (eg. people that have undergone chemotherapy and/or radiation, prolonged steroid use for various conditions, etc) are more likely to contract and fall ill with a virus. A strong immune system can help combat the effects.

The immune system is basically an internal army of cells, systems, and structures that help to combat diseases. A healthy immune system will sense a foreign substance and mobilize to rid the body of it. So, what can you do to give your immune system the best fighting chance possible?

The following are a few ways that you can naturally strengthen your immune system:

·         Decrease stress

o   Chronic stress increases the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol directly interferes with the ability of white blood cells (the soldiers of the immune system) to receive signals from the body and reproduce. To keep your stress in check, try getting some exercise, get more sleep, and do some meditation or deep breathing.

·         Take vitamins

o   Though getting vitamins through natural food sources is always the best way, a multivitamin is a good way to make sure that you are getting appropriate amounts of the vitamins that boost the immune system. The big guns for immune boosting are Vitamins A, B6, C, D and E.

·         Eat more fruits/vegetables

o   Vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Spinach and citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C. Dark, leafy greens like kale are good for liver function. Mushrooms (though technically fungi) such as turkey tail, shiitake, and tremella are also good for boosting the immune system.

·         Get outside in the sun  

o   Getting sunshine is the main way that the body produces Vitamin D. Low vitamin D has been shown to be a major factor in many respiratory problems. Even spending just 10-15 minutes outside daily will ensure appropriate vitamin D production in the body.

To find out more about how to achieve your rehabilitation goals, contact a health care professional at Align Wellness Studio.

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Eamon Wilson