Heart Health and You

By : Kristina Maxwell, Doctor of Physiotherapy at Align Wellness Studio

In February, we tend to think about love more than other months of the year. Though there is no physiological connection between the heart and the emotion of love, the heart has become the international symbol of love. A graphic of a heart is present on virtually every Valentine's Day card. If you're in love, your "heart" is full. If you're not, your "heart" is broken. So how can we take better care of this very versatile and important organ this year.

Here are a few simple ways to keep your heart healthy this Valentine's month:

                     Quit smoking/avoid second hand smoke.

◦                     Chemicals in cigarettes and the smoke produced by them cause negative changes in blood cells. This has the potential to decrease heart and lung function. Damaged cells can also build up in blood vessels causing blockages which can lead to chest pain, heart attacks, and ultimately, death.

•                     Don't sit so much.

◦                     Some health experts have coined the term "sitting is the new smoking" and with good reason. The Pennington Biomedical Research Center that even regular exercise cannot completely negate damage done by extended periods of sitting. Research has shown that in the past decade, inactivity was linked to more cardiovascular disease and death than smoking.

•                     Get enough sleep.

◦                     Sleep durations have exponentially decreased over the past 50 years with the advent of technology. Most medical professionals would advocate getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night bu the average person gets 6 or less. Studies published recently in the European Heart Journal have shown that "short sleepers" have a 48% increased risk of developing coronary heart disease when compared to their counterparts that get 8 or more.

•                     Practice good oral hygeine.

◦                     We all known that we're supposed to brush our teeth and floss regularily but did you know that a clean mouth can also protect your heart? Germs in the mouth can be carried to the heart through the blood stream and cause inflammation in the cardiac tissues. Conditions such as gingivitis can significantly increase the risk for heart disease.

•                     Eat good fats.

◦                     Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. Fats are necessary for nerve and muscle health and at the end of the day, your heart is a muscle. However, it's better for your health and your heart to consume more monounsaturated and ployunsaturated fats versus trans fats. One quick an easy trick to choosing the right fats, is that most good fats are liquid at room temperature (eg. olive oil, flaxseed oil, etc) or plant based (eg. avocados, walnuts, etc).

To find out more about how to achieve your rehabilitation goals, contact a health care professional at Align Wellness Studio. Find us on The Paseo in Camana Bay.

Click here to book and appointment with us!

Eamon Wilson